Hi Room 8. I'm having a great time in Sydney with Mr Thomas - and learning heaps too! Yesterday was a busy day traveling by road, air, train and boat!
We have spent a busy day checking out some of the local sights including the Sydney Opera House! Sydney is a very cool place, and we found out that it has about the same amount of people in it as the whole of New Zealand! On Tuesday, we are starting at the conference. We are looking forward to learning lots of new things and getting excited about what we can get up to at Selwyn Ridge.
Hey don't forget to get your permission slips back for our Big Day Out! And do we have enough transport for our class? Someone might want to check this out and make sure we are good to go!
Hey I would love to hear from you over the week, so please leave some comments on this blog letting me know what you're up to and I'll keep watching! Hope you're having a great week.
Yesterday I have learnt all about a new system for producing blogs and wikis in the school. I am excited about giving this a go next year. What do you think are the positives and negatives about blogging as part of our learning?
Last night we went on a cruise with all the people from the conference. It was a rainy night, but the harbour in Sydney was amazing anyway. We had to walk quite a long way to the boat, and it started to rain. Luckily we found an umbrella dumped in a rubbish bin. It was a little bit broken, but we didn't mind....it kept us dry until we got to the boat in Darling Harbour.
HI AGAIN....One of the places I have been is the Apple Store here in Sydney. This is a really cool place where people who love apple computers come to hang out, buy stuff and sort out problems at the Genius bar. The photo about was taken there on our first day. We are back today and I thought I would show you this Simpsoms clip about it!
Mr Norrish