We have all heard about the little girl who was singing at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, but got replaced by another girl who they thought had a more pretty face. The girl we saw on TV was asked to lip sync to the song that the other girl had recorded.
What do you think? Do you think it is alright for the people organising the Olympic Games to make this decision, and why?
I think that replacing the little girl who sang the song with the little girl who is supposedly prettier/cuter/whatever is dreadful. The little girl who sang the song is so cute how could anyone think she wasn't good enough to show her face? The little girl who lip sinced - sure-was cute too, and probably thought waht she was doing was ok. After all this sort of thing goes on in the music industry all the time - example Milli Vanilli, Posh etc.
Love your Bloog Room 8, You are still Great! Miss Filer
I tkink it is not faer for the girl that was going sing because I think the girl is preety and they can not just say she was singing because she was not.
Thanks for your comment Simran. I does seem unfair on the girl, but maybe it's part of being in entertainment. Hopefully she has the Kid on the Ridge quality of resilience! She certainly has an amazing voice. Hey maybe we are all to soft and nice...do we need to harden up a little and only accept the best?
don't think that they should of replaced the little girl,The girl must of been really sad
Hi Room 8
I love visiting your blog.
I am doing an "I wonder" like we do at Pt England School....
I wonder if the Chinese were more honest than most entertainers nowadays. They don't usually tell us on movies who was doing the stunts, who is doing the dancing and who is in the fight scenes do they?
I wonder if it is any different from back in the day in old movies where they used to have singing and the actor was usually lip-synching for a good singer.
I think the only problem was if the other girl was made to feel bad about it. Has anyone asked her? I wonder if she was just proud to be a part of the team before the western media made a fuss?
Looking forward to reading what you think
Mrs Burt
Pt England
Hi Room 8, I think that it is really unfair that the Chinese replaced the singing girl with one who is prettier. It is not accepting a person for who they are inside and for their talents but for how they look on the outside and that is pretty shallow don't you think? I also do think it's unfair for both of the girls as one is being visually replaced because she's not as pretty and the other is not allowed to sing as she can't sing so well. I wonder how they both feel about it all?
The above comment was from Karen (Taylor-Roses's mum)
I have had a good look around your blog room 8 and I think it's great:)
keep it up guys!!
That's impressive, and exciting too.
Well done.
Jen (Tyler's Mum)
It is interesting looking from an other point of view. If you were to wear another coloured thinking hat could you look at this from a different peerspective?
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