Thursday, June 5, 2008

Brain Teaser Challenge

Hi Room 8.  Be the first Room 8 student to answer this brainteaser correctly online and win five Prize Draws!

You are on an island in the middle of a lake.  The lake is in a remote part of the country and there has never been a bridge connecting the island to the mainland.  Every day a tractor and wagon gives hay rides around the island.  Puzzled as to how the tractor had gotten onto the island, you ask around and find out that the tractor was not transported to the island by boat or by air.  Nor was it built on the island.

Explain how the tractor got there.


Kiwi Kids said...

They drove the tractor there in the winter when the lake was frozen.

From Tyler

Anonymous said...

Tyler has given his answer but I won't let you know if he or anyone else has the right answer until Monday afternoon. Mr Norrish

Kiwi Kids said...

Hi Mr Norrish

We have just been looking at Bethlehem School's web page and one of their classes has a map on it showing where their 'visitors' are from. I'm not sure if this can be included on the blog page or not but thought it would be cool if it can as then we can see how far the page has 'travelled'.

I have attached the link of the programme they have used.

Food for thought anyway.

Jen (Tyler's Mum)

bbanah said...

the tractor wheels are big wheels?

Anonymous said...

I agree with Tyler, although I think it floated over on a block of ice. Or else it floated over on an extremely dense fog (a bit like they have in the Waikato! Am I right? Can I win a prize too?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen,
Thanks for that...I have put a cluster map on. Yet to see if it will work but hopefully it will!

Indy500 said...

I think the lake is dry and the tractor just drove across from the mainland to the island. From Kyle

Hi, my name is Chrystal said...

Hi Room 8,
this is a really cool brainteaser!! You have some excellent answers! I was wondering how you put your own background on.


Hi, my name is Chrystal said...

Hi Guys,
Brie and Tyler, those blogs are awesome! You are very creative!!

From Chrystal

P.S For the brain teaser which is for your class obviously I was wondering what prize draws are.

Anonymous said...

Did if float on the wheels as they are full of air?
From Stephen

Anonymous said...

The tractor was in a high land.
Water filled the land around the place where the tractor is now during a big thunder storm and the place became an Island.

Anonymous said...

Hi room 8

I'm pleased you are checking out my blog page. Thanks for all your cool comments. Keep up the comments.

Anonymous said...

It drove there because it was a salt lake

Anonymous said...

I think that the tractor used the hay rides to get over

Anonymous said...

Mr Norrish how do you put your blog on the class blog?
I'm at home so tell me how to on the brain teaser.

Room 8 said...

Hi Robin,
If you could give me your address then I will link it up. The address is the www thing at the top.
Looking forward to seeing what you have done.
Mr Norrish