Hi Room 8,
I am looking forward to having a couple of weeks break in the holidays and know that you will hanging out for it too. We will all be doing different things over the two weeks and I thought it would be fun to stay in touch over that time. How about keeping in touch by checking into this blog a couple of times and letting us all know what you have been up to. You might have gone to the movies, explored something around Welcome Bay, been on an out of town trip or have just gone shopping at Bayfair. Whatever it is, how about sharing it with us in the comments section and we can keep in touch with what we are all up to!
Hi Mr Norrish, I have just come back from a holiday in Whakatane and Opotiki. I played with all my cousins they are aged 8, 2, 16 mths and 6 mths and I helped to look after them. I also rode on a 2 wheeler and 4 wheeler motorbike and went out on the farm. I also have been fishing off Dads boat with Kyle. I have put a photo of our fish on my blog. I hope you are having a good holiday too. I have shown all my cousins our blogs and they think they are all really cool.
Hi Josh. Good to hear you have had such a good holiday and that your cousins love our blogs. I just got back from a holiday away with my family too. We went down to Kuratau on the south side of lake Taupo for about 5 days and took my kids up the mountain to see the snow for the first time. We had a blast, sledding, building snowmen and having snowball fights! Caleb was a bit nervous about sledding as he doesn't like to hurt himself, and it was difficult to convince him that it was safe when we saw a girl being taken away in a stretcher by a snowmobile! We saw some extreme crashes too.
Great fish picture too...did you cook it up and eat it?
Hi Mr Norrish, we went to Taupo for a couple of nights and went to the snow. You can see what we did on my blog page.
I hope you are having a good holiday.
Hi Mr Norrish, sounds like you have had a great holiday with your family. I have enjoyed my holidays and these are some of the things I have done - went to my brothers birthday at Baywave, went fishing with Josh, climbed up the mount with a friend and went to the Mount Hotpools, played miniputt, went to the movies and saw Kung Fu Panda, hired out some PS2 games and DVDs with the wet weather.
Hi Mr Norrish.
where is the pool in the picture? It looks nice
Jen (Tyler's Mum)
Hi Jen,
The photo is of the corner pool at the Mount Hot Pools. Not sure how recent it is.
I know it is not holiday anymore but we can still have fun during the school term. We are going to Auckland this weekend. It is my only cousin in NZ, first birthday. He talks alot! I also loves talking, so when we are traveling in the same car there is alot of talking going on...... He only talks baby.
I am looking forward to the weekend and will let you know how it was when we are back.
Great to hear from you Ruben.
A first birthday party should be really cute. It is nice that you have a cousin in NZ. Family are so important. It is also good to hear from your Granddad in South Africa on the the blog. We must reply back to him and maybe we could get you doing a podcast for him listen to soon.
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